


- 2-3 apples,
- 1 cup of flour (cup of 240 ml),
- 1 cup of white small sugar,
- 3 large eggs,
- salt pinch,
- 1/2 tsps of cinnamon,
- 1/2 tsps of vanilla essence,
- 1 tablespoons of starch (at will),
- icing sugar for powder (at will).


We heat oven to 180 degrees. We mix flour, salt and cinnamon. If add starch, and starch. We shake up eggs and sugar until weight a little brightens and will a little increase in volume, the electronimbus copes with this task in 3-4 minutes.

Gradually we add flour mix to egg mix, we continue to shake up to homogeneous mass. (Or pears) we peel apples of peel and we cut in cubes or plates. As practice has shown, plates it is better. But as it is pleasant to whom more.

We sprinkle split mold vegetable oil and flour. Form of 22 cm in the diameter, 6 cm height. On bottom of form we spread apples and we fill in with the turned-out dough. Dough has to cover fruit completely.

Otpravyalyaem in oven for 30-40 minutes, depending on character of your oven, top has to be reddened well. We check readiness toothpick or match. We allow charlotte to cool down a little, then we take off uniform and we strew charlotte top with icing sugar (at will).


Charlotte with acid apples

Charlotte with acid apples

1 glass of flour
1 glass of sugar
3 eggs
2-3 acid apples
small slice of desi or margarine
vanillin or cinnamon (at will)
Preparation time: 40-50 minutes.

At first we shake up eggs with sugar and vanillin before albication of weight. More magnificent the charlotte turns out if it to do by the mixer, the blender or in the combine but when such assistants were not, everything was perfectly shaken up also by usual nimbus.
We add flour and again we shake up to homogeneous smetanoobrazny state. The charm of this pie that neither the baking powder, nor soda are not necessary here, dough will rise.
Apples it is peeled of thin skin (in the fall I do not clean local apples), we delete serdtsevinka with seeds.
If form silicone, it is not necessary to grease it, metal we oil the sunflower. On bottom of form it is sliced thin apples and on them small slices we scatter butter or margarine (small slice no more tablespoon).
We fill in apples with dough, distributing on all surface. Dough has to filter through apples therefore the part them will act slightly over dough surface.
We put in oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes depending on features of your oven. From above there was ruddy crust, splinter shipped in dough, the dry is taken out – pie is ready.
It is possible to powder slightly with icing sugar though, perhaps, this excess, is enough sugar in pie.

Category: Recipes


The charlotte with apples prepared in the microwave oven

The charlotte with apples prepared in the microwave oven


5-6 apples;
- 3 eggs;
- 1 Art. of sugar;
- 1 Art. of flour;
- cinnamon;
- oil for greasing of form


To peel apples, to slice. Baking dish (naturally, suitable for the microwave oven, that is glass, ceramic or silicone) to grease with desi, to lay out apples. From above to strew with cinnamon and sugar if find, buy special spice mixture for apple pie, it consists of cinnamon, ginger, carnation, very fragrant and perfectly approaches any pastries with apple filling.

Prepare dough: at first we shake up eggs with sugar and baking powder in magnificent weight, gradually, continuing to shake up, we add flour. We pour out dough in form for apples.

We put form in microwave at full capacity, to bake 15-20 minutes, depending on your microwave. At me is these are 18 minutes. Readiness is checked by toothpick. If charlotte not propeklas, add some more minutes. If you have no grill in the microwave oven, the crisp will not turn out, but you can decorate charlotte top with jam or fruit.

Bon appetit!


Category: Recipes


Banana cake with raisin

Banana cake with raisin


- 3 ripe bananas,
- 200 gr torments,
- 2 h. l. baking powder,
- 100 gr the kindled unsalted butter,
- 2 large eggs,
- half of cup of sugar (chashka=240gr),
- 1 tablespoons of vanilla essence,
- 3 tablespoons of natural yoghourt,
- 125 gr raisin.


1. We warm oven to 180 degrees. We mash bananas fork to full mashed potatoes. We put aside aside.
2. We mix oil, eggs and sugar to homogeneous mass.
3. We add vanilla essence, we mix.
4. We add bananas and yogurt. Well we mix.
5. In the received weight we sift the flour mixed with baking powder. We knead rather thin dough.
6. We add raisin and it is accurately mixed.
7. We grease form with desi or we sprinkle oil spray. We dim baking paper that then it was more convenient to get cake.
8. We pour out dough in form, from above it is possible to strew a little with refiner syrup that at cake the beautiful brilliant crust has turned out. We send to the warmed oven for 45-60 minutes, till golden color. Readiness of cake can be checked wooden stick or match.
9. Cake is ready. We allow it to cool down a little, accurately we take out from form, we allow it to stand even some minutes. It is possible to strew it with icing sugar for appearance.
10. It is accurately cut. Also we treat ourselves and friends with banana cake surprisingly fragrant, rather sweet and a little wet inside.

Category: Recipes


The elementary apple biscuit

The elementary apple biscuit

Diameter is about 20 cm:
3 eggs (to separate proteins from yolks)
0.5 glass of sugar
0.5 flour glass
2-3 apples (depending on the size)
Cinnamon or icing sugar (at will)

To warm oven to 180 degrees.
To beat whites with small pinch of salt, to add sugar and to continue to shake up. To add gradually yolks and flour.
To grease form with desi, to clean apples from crust, to take out seeds and to cut on segments. To lay out segments on bottom continuous layer and to pour out from above dough. To bake minutes 10-15, to check readiness match or toothpick.
To get from oven, to allow to cool down a little and, having turned upside down on dish, to take off uniform. At desire it is possible to powder with cinnamon or icing sugar.
Bon appetit!)


Category: Recipes


Banana cake with raisin

Banana cake with raisin


- 3 ripe bananas,
- 200 gr torments,
- 2 h. l. baking powder,
- 100 gr the kindled unsalted butter,
- 2 large eggs,
- half of cup of sugar (chashka=240gr),
- 1 tablespoons of vanilla essence,
- 3 tablespoons of natural yoghourt,
- 125 gr raisin.


1. We warm oven to 180 degrees. We mash bananas fork to full mashed potatoes. We put aside aside.
2. We mix oil, eggs and sugar to homogeneous mass.
3. We add vanilla essence, we mix.
4. We add bananas and yogurt. Well we mix.
5. In the received weight we sift the flour mixed with baking powder. We knead rather thin dough.
6. We add raisin and it is accurately mixed.
7. We grease form with desi or we sprinkle oil spray. We dim baking paper that then it was more convenient to get cake.
8. We pour out dough in form, from above it is possible to strew a little with refiner syrup that at cake the beautiful brilliant crust has turned out. We send to the warmed oven for 45-60 minutes, till golden color. Readiness of cake can be checked wooden stick or match.
9. Cake is ready. We allow it to cool down a little, accurately we take out from form, we allow it to stand even some minutes. It is possible to strew it with icing sugar for appearance.
10. It is accurately cut. Also we treat ourselves and friends with banana cake surprisingly fragrant, rather sweet and a little wet inside.

Category: Recipes


Charlotte without eggs.

Charlotte without eggs.


- 1 cup of wheat flour
- 1 glass of semolina
- 1 glass of sugar
- 1 glass of kefir
- 0,5 glasses of the kindled creamy or vegetable oil.
- salt
- 1 h l of soda
- vanilla
- Acid apples, 3-5 pieces watching as it is pleasant more


We cut apples quite large slices, we pour out in the oiled form.
We mix sifted flour with other dry ingredients, then we pour liquid and it is well mixed. Has to quite mobile dough will turn out. We fill in with it apples. We put in the warmed oven and to bake about half an hour. I cannot precisely tell you temperature because the oven at me prehistoric does not show it. About 200C.
Check readiness toothpick.

Category: Recipes




Apples – 3 pieces.
Flour – 250 gr.
Icing sugar – 200 gr.
Eggs – 3 pieces.
Salt – ? h. l.
Cinnamon – ? h. l.
Vanillin – 10 gr.
Starch – 1 tablespoon.
Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon.

In cup to mix flour, starch, cinnamon, salt and vanillin.
Carefully to shake up eggs with sugar.
To pour in dry-mix, egg mix, to shake up.
Apples to clean and cut with cubes.
To oil high form and a little bit to sprinkle with flour.
On bottom of form to lay out apples and to fill in them with dough.
To warm oven to 180 degrees, to place in it form and to bake about 35 minutes.
Readiness can be checked match if to pierce dough that will be match and on it the charlotte is not ready yet.

The charlotte is ready!

Category: Recipes


Simple apple pie

Simple apple pie


150 gr wheat flour,
100 gr unsalted butter of room temperature,
100 gr sugar,
2 eggs,
1 tbsps of vanilla essence,
2 tsps of baking powder,
2 apples


1. So, we heat oven to 180 degrees. We shake up oil with sugar.
2. We add eggs. Well we mix. Eggs have to be room temperature, so our pie will be more magnificent.
3. We add vanilla essence. We mix.
4. We clean apples from peel. We cut on small cubes.
5. We add apples to egg and oil mix. We mix. Here it is also possible to add instead of apples pears, raisin or that and another. That it is necessary for soul.
6. We mix flour and baking powder. We sift in mix.
7. It is well mixed. Rather sloping dough has to turn out.
8. We oil form, we spread dough in form. From above it is possible to decorate with nutlets or sesame, I have decorated mindalyom.
9. We send to the warmed oven for 20-25 minutes while the top well does not porumyanitsya. Readiness of pie can be checked match or wooden toothpick if having pierced pie on match did not remain dough — pie is ready.
10. We wait will cool down still a little and it is possible to treat friends with fresh, soft, magnificent and fragrant, very house pie with apple.


Category: Recipes


Roll Kurshena

Roll Kurshena

4 eggs (not small!)
4 St of l of hot water
120 gr sugar
70 gr torments
50 gr starch
1 h l without baking powder hill

200 gr wiped, gentle cottage cheese
100-150 gr mascarpone
100 gr plums of oil (room temperature)
~ 5 St of l of condensed milk
to steam of drops of vanilla essence
icing sugar

Form 33\27 (baking tray with silicone rug or paper for pastries).
To mix flour, starch, baking powder and to sift.
We shake up eggs with hot (at me boiled) water minute.
We add to them sugar and we shake up two-three more minutes. There and to stir flour mix on the smallest turns of the mixer or spoon (no more than it is necessary!).
In form and oven for 10-12 min., 180 C.
For cream we shake up ingredients in the blender. At first oil (until white) and then to add all the rest in turn. On the towel powdered with icing sugar, we overturn biscuit, we remove paper, we twist, we allow to cool down not for long, 2-3 minutes. We untwist and spread cream, distributing knife on all surface. We twist and in the refrigerator on for an hour or two. To strew with icing sugar or to decorate voluntarily.
Bon appetit and culinary progress!
Category: Recipes


Chocolate pie Earl Gray

Chocolate pie Earl Gray


Earl Grey tea – 6 bags or 2 tbsps of tea leaves
Water – 1 cup
Desi – 1/2 cups
Eggs – 3 pieces.
Granulated sugar – 2 cups
The unsweetened chocolate melted and cooled – 113 gr.
Flour – 2 cups
Powder for pastries – 1 tsp.
Soda for pastries – 1 tsp.
Salt – 1/4 tsps.
Yogurt – 1/2 cups
Icing sugar


1. We make tea in water from 3 to 5 minutes. We kindle chocolate. We mix dry ingredients.
2. We shake up together sugar and oil. We add eggs. We add melted chocolate. We add mix of dry ingredients. We add tea and yogurt and properly we mix everything
3. We warm oven to 180 degrees. We sprinkle fancy baking dish antiprigarny spray. We pour out the received mix in form.
4. We bake 50 minutes, we check readiness toothpick. We take out from oven, we allow to stand 5 minutes.
5. We get pie from form, we allow to cool down completely.
6. We strew with icing sugar.

Category: Recipes


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