Puff envelopes with mushrooms
Desi - 100 g
Mushrooms (chopped) - 4 glasses
Puff pastry - 1 packaging
Garlic teeth - 4 pieces
Dry white wine - 1/2 glasses
Grated cheese parmesan - 1/3 glasses
At first small cut mushrooms
Kindle desi on frying pan
In oil fry garlic a little
Add mushrooms, salt a little and fill in white wine
Extinguish not to evaporate all liquid yet
Roll puff pastry
Cut it on small squares, slightly oil and lay out the prepared mushrooms
From above strew with Parmesan cheese
Collect small squares in envelope small knot and lay out on the oiled baking tray and bake within 10-15 minutes at temperature of 200 degrees.
Bon Appetit!
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