The swept-away kalachik to tea
The swept-away kalachik to tea
200g desi
200g are swept away
2 eggs
90g sugar
? tsps of salt
5g baking powder
300g torments
We kindle desi, we cool a little. Eggs it is shaken up with sugar and we add to oil. There we add sour cream. We sift flour and we connect to salt and baking powder.
Gradually we add flour to the egg swept-away mix.
We knead soft plastic dough. Mookie can be necessary a little more, than is declared in the recipe.
From dough skatyvay small flagellums, and we create kalachik of them.
We spread kalachik on the baking tray greased with desi.
We bake in the oven about 15 minutes warmed to 180 degrees to light zarumyanivaniye. We give warm with tea or milk.
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