Burrito with ham and mozzarella

Burrito with ham and mozzarella


1 packaging of flat cakes of Tortilyas
400gr. ham
2 bulbs
0,5 cans of corn
1 red paprika
2-3 tomatoes (from banks in own juice or 2st.l. tomato paste, divorced 2st.l. waters)
0,2kg. cheese mozzarella
Salt, black pepper, Chile pepper the ground
1 egg
2 tbsps of milk


Small to cut ONIONS and to fry on vegetable oil till golden color. HAM very small to chop and add to onions. To fry on average fire, periodically stirring slowly. To cut paprika with small cubes. To add corn and paprika to frying pan. Fry couple of minutes without cover, then couple of minutes under cover. Add in advance cut tomatoes (it is possible with small amount of juice) and extinguish everything a few baking plate cover. Salt, popechit. Add Chile, extinguish everything without cover a little that excess liquid was evaporated, remove from plate.
Make omelet:
Shake up egg, slightly salts and add milk, again shake up. Pour out on the warmed frying pan slightly oiled cover. In about 3 minutes slightly open cover, check readiness of omelet.
Cut in half.
Put frying pan grill (with stripes) one fire higher than average (7 of 9), oil absolutely slightly vegetable (brush).
Take flat cake Tortilla, on one half lay out omelet (it is possible to add small cut Chinese cabbage), on it put 3-4 tbsps of mix of ham with vegetables and strew all with chopped greens of parsley and polished mozzarella. Put flat cake in half and fry from 2 parties on the warmed frying pan before emergence of stripes on flat cake.

Bon appetit!


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