Salad with shrimps

Salad with shrimps

shrimps 500 gr
potatoes of 1 piece,
carrots 1sht,
avocado 1-2 part,
eggs of 2 pieces,
gelatin of 2 h l,
water oh, 5th glass,
mayonnaise, sour cream
Jewelry greens, lemon of shrimp

Shrimps to boil 3 minutes, with Dob seasonings for seafood, salts, bay leaf and bell pepper. To cool and clear
To fill in gelatin with cold water and to leave to bulk up, further to dissolve it on water bath, it is good to stir.
To cool.
To connect sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions and Dob gelatin, to mix.
To choose form for salad which all layers will keep within. To lay film food wrap, so that the ends of film stuck out from form.
On bottom of form it is stacked the cleared shrimps, to grease with mix from gelatin and mayonnaise, It is the first layer.
The second layer - boiled eggs grated on grater. To salt and grease with mayonnaise.
Third layer avocado. To cut pulp cubes, to sprinkle lemon juice. To grease with mayonnaise.
The fourth layer - boiled carrots to cut on small cubes and to grease with mayonnaise, to salt.
The fifth layer - boiled potatoes. On grater. To salt and grease with mayonnaise.
To put form with salad in the refrigerator for 30 min. for impregnation and hardening.
Further on big, beautiful plate we overturn form and it is carefully skimmed. We decorate.
salad is ready.

Bon appetit!


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