Lemon pie

Lemon pie


Sour cream - 250 g
Desi - 110 g
Soda - 1/2 teaspoons
Flour - 2 glasses
Lemon/orange - 1,5 pieces
Sugar - 1 glass
Yolk - 1 piece
Icing sugar


Mix sour cream with soda.
Add the kindled oil to sour cream, mix to homogeneous mass.
Gradually start adding flour in the small portions. Vsypav 1,5 glasses of proverte:esla dough sticks to hands, vsypta other half of glass. Otherwise - it is not obligatory. Knead dough and divide it into 2 equal parts.
Cut oranges/lemons on small segments (with crust) and shake up in the blender.
Mix the ground lemon with 1 glass of sugar.
Heat oven to 180 degrees. Lay out half of dough as basis. Distribute dough on all surface of form, having made small sides.
Lay out stuffing and evenly smear it on all basis.
Knead the second part of dough hands and close it stuffing.
For golden crust grease pie with the shaken-up yolk.
Poprotykayte pie fork. Bake about 30 minutes. Then cool and lay out pie from form and powder with icing sugar.


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