Puff Pearl salad
Puff Pearl salad
200 g of light salted salmon
40-50 g of olives
60 g of cheese
5 eggs
1 orange
1-2 Art. of l of red caviar
green onions
To cook hard boiled eggs, to separate the whites from the yolks and to rub on average grater.
We slice salmon the small.
To clean orange from peel and fibers and to cut pulp with cubes.
Cheese is rubbed on small grater.
To cut olives ringlets.
Salad is spread by layers.
The first layer half of the proteins mixed with mayonnaise.
Further we spread yolks, we salt, we pepper to taste and a little bit we coat with mayonnaise.
The third layer we spread half of salmon and we coat with mayonnaise.
Then olives and rest of salmon.
Then we spread cheese and a little mayonnaise.
The following layer we put oranges, and the proteins mixed with mayonnaise which atop have remained.
We decorate salad with caviar and olives, and in the center we put half of quail egg.
Pearl we clean ready-to-serve salad in the refrigerator, previously having inwrapped food wrap, and we allow to be drawn some hours.
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