Tart with tomatoes and onions
Tart with tomatoes and onions
For dough: Flour — 250 gr (or it is more) Melted desi — 200 gr Egg — 1 piece Salt — 1/2 h l Sugar — 4-5 St of l Stuffing: Tomatoes — 5 pieces. Bulbs — 2sht. Seasonings — to taste (rosemary, black pepper, thyme) Sour cream — 2 St of l Eggs — 2 pieces Sugar — to taste
1. We do dough. We put 1 egg, butter, flour, sugar and salt in container and we stir all this the mixer, and then silicone scapula. 2. We do one big lump of dough, we turn in food wrap and we put in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes. 3. We get dough from the refrigerator, we grease form for pie with desi and we spread dough. We puncture dough with fork that has not risen and we put in the oven warmed to 180 degrees for about 8 minutes. 4. In the same time we start cutting ringlets onions and tomatoes. 5. We get dough from oven and we spread vegetables around. We strew with a few sugar and seasonings to taste (I have added rosemary and basil). Carefully we mix two eggs with sour cream and we water pie. We put back in oven for about 25 minutes. 6. We get pie from oven and we enjoy.
#горячеarecepti Category: Recipes

Tart with tomatoes and onions
Tart with tomatoes and onions
For dough: flour - 250 gr (or it is more) melted desi - 200 gr egg - 1 piece salt - 1/2 h l sugar - 4-5 St of l Stuffing: 5 average tomatoes 2 average bulbs seasonings to taste (rosemary, black pepper, thyme) sour cream - 2 St of l eggs - 2 pieces sugar to taste
1. We do dough. We put 1 egg, butter, flour, sugar and salt in container and we stir all this the mixer, and then silicone scapula. 2. We do one big lump of dough, we turn in food wrap and we put in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes. 3. We get dough from the refrigerator, we grease form for pie with desi and we spread dough. We puncture dough with fork that has not risen and we put in the oven warmed to 180 degrees for about 8 minutes. 4. In the same time we start cutting ringlets onions and tomatoes. 5. We get dough from oven and we spread vegetables around. We strew with a few sugar and seasonings to taste (I have added rosemary and basil). Carefully we mix two eggs with sour cream and we water pie. We put back in oven for about 25 minutes. 6. We get pie from oven and we enjoy.
#горячеarecepti Category: Recipes

The pizza baked on frying pan with ribs
The pizza baked on frying pan with ribs
Wheat flour - 3,75 bowls. Active yeast powder - 2,5 ch.l Salt - 0,75 ch.l Granulated sugar - 0,75 ch.l Water - 1,35 bowls. Sauce for pizza - 0,25 bowls. Barbecue sauce - 0,25 bowls. Cheese the Mozzarella - 1,5 bowls. Pepper halapenyo - 0,5 pieces. Onion - 0,5 pieces. Desi - 1 Art. of l Ribs - 1 bowls.
Preparation: 1. We mix sifted flour with yeast, salt and sugar, we fill in with warm, but not hot water, then we knead dough hands. We leave dough to rise at the room temperature for 1-2 hours. We scale dough on 3 parts. 2. We warm oven to 245 degrees and we put the iron frying pan greased with desi in it for warming up. Remove meat from ready ribs and prepare other ingredients for pizza stuffing. 3. We spread one part of test for frying pan, we knead hands on its perimeter, we grease from above with the sauce for pizza mixed with barbecue sauce. 4. We strew basis of mostly grated cheese, meat slices, it is thin the cut onions and halapenyo, we complete the remains of grated cheese. 5. We bake pizza in oven of 25 minutes, to golden-brown crust. We pull out the ready thawed cheese pizza from oven and we leave to have a rest for 10 minutes. We cut off the burned slightly edges from pizza, we cut on convenient slices and we enjoy.
Bon appetit!
#горячеarecepti #закускerecepti Category: Recipes

Pizza which dements
Pizza which dements
Ingredients: Flour of 500 g; Glass water 1/2-1; Desi of 100 g; Salt 1 pinch; Sugar 1 pinch; Tomato of 4 pieces; Eggplant of 2 pieces; Paprika of 1 piece; Zucchini of 2 pieces; Cheese of 300 g; It is swept away 200 g; Vegetable oil of 1 tbsp; Assafetida of 1 tsp; Turmeric of 1 tsp; Provence herbs of 3 tbsps;
Preparation: 1. Preparation time - 60 minutes 2. Roll dough and put in oven for 15-20 minutes. 3. Sauce preparation: It is possible to prepare in advance, but it is important that by the time of flood it was hot, that is then it will need to be heated.
Mix ingredients (200 gr sour creams, 1 Art. of l of vegetable oil, 1 tsp of assafetida, 1 tsp of turmeric, 3 tablespoons of the mix Provence herbs) and cook 2-3 minutes. 4. Fry vegetable marrows. 5. Fry eggplants on vegetable oil to golden crust. 6. Get basis from oven and grease with sauce. From above lay out vegetable marrows and eggplants. 7. From above strew with paprika. 8. Sauce and put in oven for 5-7 minutes. 9. Get from oven and lay out from above tomatoes. 10. Sauce. 11. Strew with cheese. 12. Bake some minutes in oven.
#горячеarecepti Category: Recipes

Quick house pizza. Without doughing.
Quick house pizza. Without doughing.
1. In shop puff yeast dough is bought. We allow it to thaw, a little bit we roll and we spread on the baking tray greased with desi. We put in oven on 50-70 degrees and we wait so far it will rise. 2. It is possible to be engaged in preparation of stuffing so far. We cut sausage, canned button mushrooms and the frozen vegetables (tomatoes and pepper). Of course, it is possible to take and fresh if they are available for you. It is also possible to add olives and all that you would like to see in your pizza. 3. When dough has risen, we get it from oven and we grease with sauce from tomato paste, small amount of water and seasoning like The French herbs or Provence herbs. They give very appetizing aroma. At this time we switch oven to temperature of 150-170 degrees. 4. We spread stuffing on dough and we put baking tray in oven for 30-40 minutes. The main thing, that propeklos dough, as other ingredients at us and so edible. 5. We rub cheese (most of all it is pleasant to me Russian). When we see that pizza propeklas, we get it, we switch off oven. We strew all with cheese and we put in even hot oven that it has melted.
Bon appetit! Category: Recipes

The baked vegetable marrows with cheese
The baked vegetable marrows with cheese
1 vegetable marrow, 20-25 centimeters long (do not forget I I prepare on 1 time for 2 persons) Flour spoon 2 spoons of oil It is a little Parmesan cheese Mayonnaise
1. We clean vegetable marrow and we cut it circles. Then we spread on baking tray. 2. Slightly prisalivay, we strew with flour. 3. From above we splash sunflower oil. 4. Then we put in oven for 20 minutes, vegetable marrows will become soft and almost ready. Then we get, we grease with mayonnaise a little, we rub from above cheese. We rub so much to cover vegetable marrows. Also we put back in oven for about 20 - 30 minutes. The oven, by the way has to be warmed to 220 degrees in order that cheese and mayonnaise were baked and have formed tasty crust.
#горячеarecepti Category: Recipes

Cheese and cottage cheese flat cake
Cheese and cottage cheese flat cake
- Russian cheese — 200 g - Cheese mozzarella — 100 g - Cottage cheese — 100 g - Italian Herbs seasoning For dough: - Flour — 2 glasses - Kefir — 190 g - Salt — 0,5 h. l. - Soda — 0,5 h. l.
We mix flour, kefir, salt and soda. We knead dough. If suddenly at you it turns out too dry, simply add still slightly kefir. Dough has to turn out dense, rather dry, as usual normal dough.
We scale dough for the portion. We roll dough in two flat cakes. We do stuffing. We crush cheese and cottage cheese. We mix ingredients and we add seasoning (it at will). On one circle of dough it is spread by uniform layer stuffing.
From above we close the second circle and we pinch edges. On the warmed frying pan we spread our flat cake. We fry 5-7 minutes (to golden crust).
Accurately we overturn flat cake. Here it will be required to you or the help of one more person, or sleight of hand and any fraud. We fry 5-7 more minutes.
We spread on plate, we cut off slice and we enjoy.
#закускerecepti Category: Recipes, Unsweetened pastries

Vegetable Southern baked pudding
Vegetable Southern baked pudding
1 average vegetable marrow 3 tomatoes 2-3 potatoes 3 tbsps of desi 2 tbsps of flour 2 Art. of milk 1 egg salt 100gr. small polished cheese.
Vegetables it is sliced thin. We oil form bottom for roasting and we stack vegetables with an overlap, we salt. We cook sauce: for this purpose we fry flour with oil, we add milk continuously stirring slowly, we cook before solidification. Having removed from fire, we add egg, properly shaking up, we salt sauce. We fill in vegetables with sauce. We strew with cheese We bake ~ 30 minutes to ruddy crust Category: Recipes, Second dishes, Baked puddings

Pizza from spaghetti
Pizza from spaghetti
Ingredients: • 8 tablespoons of olive oil, • 2 garlic gloves, • 150 g of tomato mashed potatoes, • 1 glass of water, • basil to taste, capers, • 10 olives, • 200 g of tuna, • 2 eggs, • spaghetti, • 50 g of desi.
Preparation: The main feature of this recipe of pizza are spaghettis. We prepare tuna sauce. We cut garlic thin plates, we put it on frying pan, we add 4 tablespoons of olive oil, we roast till golden color. Then we add tomato and 1 glass of water. We salt and pepper to taste. After we add capers, basil, olives. We cook everything within 15 minutes, then we add slices of tuna. Having mixed, we cook about 5 more minutes, homogeneous mass will not turn out yet. While sauce prepares, we cook spaghetti. The ready spaghettis which have a little cooled down, we mix with desi. In separate wide ware we shake up eggs, then we add spaghetti there, we salt and we mix. In wide frying pan we pour out the remained olive oil, we spread on it spaghetti with eggs. We fry so-called eggs from both parties. As soon as fried eggs are prepared, we water it with the prepared tuna sauce. We put all this in the oven warmed to 200 °C, approximately for 10 minutes. Category: Recipes, Pizza

eggplants - 400 gr. vegetable marrows or tsukini-400 gr. tomatoes - 400 gr.
for sauce tomatoes 400 gr. paprika - 400 gr. onions - 200 gr. vegetable oil - 40 ml. tomato paste of-350 ml. Provence herbs (sometimes them call French) greens for ornament salt, pepper to taste garlic at will
For ratatouille it is very important to pick up vegetables for the size correctly. Then the dish looks especially effectively. Vegetable marrows, eggplants and tomatoes have to be about one diameter in section. Besides, it is good that tomatoes were strong, differently them will difficult cut thin circles.
1) Paprika to wash and bake in oven (180 - 200 degrees, 40 - 60 min.) before emergence of brown spots. To put pepper in package and to cool. 2) Cut pepper, remove seeds and fruit stem, cut 3) Also clean onions and cut. To warm vegetable oil, to fry onions to softness, to add to it the cut paprika and to fry everything together minutes 5. Add tomato paste 4) Now we salt and we cook sauce on small fire of minutes 10. 5) While sauce cooks it is possible to wash quietly vegetables, to cut them circles and to salt eggplants and vegetable marrows a little. 6) We add small chopped garlic and Provence herbs to sauce and we crush everything the blender. 7) In form for roasting we spread sauce. 8) And vegetables. Vegetables it is sprinkled by vegetable oil, in ideal olive. 9) We cover form with foil and we put in the oven about 50 - 60 minutes warmed to 200 degrees. Category: Recipes