Secrets of preparation of raspberry jam
Secrets of preparation of raspberry jam
Raspberry jam differs not only magnificent taste, but also and the fine health giving qualities. Berries of raspberry were since ancient times applied as medicine at cold or the increased temperature. And today the real hostesses always have stock of this most tasty medicine.
Raspberry jam by right is considered one of the most tasty and fragrant. But it, certainly, if to manage is correctly to prepare it.
Many hostesses in the culinary arsenal have some secrets helping them to cook jam which is capable to be stored for years, but does not manage to live up to the following flying - so quickly it eat.
So, secrets of preparation of raspberry jam. First of all, the picked berries of raspberry should be sorted, choosing the most beautiful, strong berries for jam, and putting aside crumpled, immature or damaged. Those berries which have passed professional selection give all the best in colander, and plunge into bucket with water. Raspberry berries very gentle and therefore to wash them as usual fruit is not necessary, differently they can be rumpled. After berries have visited water, it is necessary to peel them of calux lobes.
If you have seen on berries of larva of crimson bug, simply ship them in salt solution (on one liter of water to put 10 g of salt). Larvae which will emerge, should be removed, and to ship berries in basin for jam making, to fill up with granulated sugar and to sustain within three-four hours.
It is at the same time best of all to cook no more than 2 kg of berries is quicker, and jam will turn out more fragrant. The skin which is formed during cooking, should be removed skimmer or usual spoon. If you want that your jam has turned out even more fragrant, instead of water for syrup, it is better to use juice of red currant - so, besides, that receive the increased aroma, you will be able to be sure that your jam will not become candied.
It is better to cook raspberry jam on small fire and in stages. Berries of raspberry differ in special tenderness, and at long cooking juice from berries quickly passes into syrup, and berries shrivel, boil soft, lose the look. Therefore, we cook jam as follows - we bring to the boil, we maintain some minutes on small fire then we allow to be stood to jam within 5-6 hours. So we repeat 3-4 times. If to speak about the general duration of all cookings - that it should not exceed half an hour. During the last cooking jam should be brought to readiness.
Readiness of raspberry jam (and any other jam) can be defined as follows: on saucer we drip jam drop - if it does not spread, so you have carried out the task - jam have cooked. Thus pay attention to syrup which has to be transparent, and berries have to be evenly distributed in syrup, and thus not emerge.
Now, as for flood of jam. While jam is even hotter, it can be poured in the warmed-up dry banks and densely to cork. Thus watch that jam in banks approximately on half-centimeter was lower than neck. It is necessary to cool jam in the air way.
It is also possible to display raspberry jam in banks a little in a different way. Raspberry jam is also displayed in the dry, warmed-up banks, but leaky corked, covering with the dry, in advance prepared covers. All this is stacked in pan in which there is water which is warmed up to 90 degrees and pasteurized. So, floor one-liter jars have to be sterilized about 10 minutes, one-liter jars - within 14 minutes. Then it is necessary to cork banks densely. Jam is cooled in also air way.
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