Rolls brioches with cream patisyer

Rolls brioches with cream patisyer

Ingredients for dough:

500 gr. torments
60 gr. sugar
60 gr. soft oil
1 egg
250 ml. warm milk
0,5 h. l. salts
21 gr. fresh yeast or 1 pack dry (7-9 gr.)

Ingredients for cream:
250 ml. milk
2 yolks
20 gr. starch
40 gr. sugar
1 items of vanilla sugar or vanilla on knife tip

Yolk for greasing
chocolate slices at desire (I had special droplets for baking)


I kneaded dough in the food processor. Flour to sift, add sugar, yeast and to mix. To pour in warm milk, egg, to add slices of soft oil and salt. To knead dough of 20 minutes. To leave for 1 hour in warm place. Dough has to increase twice in volume.

While dough rises, it is possible to weld cream. To pound yolks with starch, to add couple of spoons of milk that the egg mixture became liquid. To Zakipyatit the remained milk. Then to pour thin stream in milk in egg mix, thus constantly to stir slowly with nimbus. To bring to density within about 2-3 minutes. To close ready cream well food wrap that from above it has not become covered by crust. To leave to cool down.

To powder land surface with flour. To lay out dough, to powder from above with flour. To roll in layer primreno 30 on 40. To grease dough with cream and it is possible to strew with chocolate slices at will. To roll accurately in roll and to cut on pieces. Well to lay out form baking paper or to grease with desi. To lay out dough in form is accurately, leaving between rolls place, they still will rise quite well. At me all roll in form was not located. I have baked 4 more slices of dough in silicone formochka for muffins. (the photo is applied)

To leave to rise rolls approximately for 30-40 minutes. During this time to warm oven to 160 degrees. To bake 40-45 minutes. To cool ready rolls on lattice.

When rolls have cooled down, I have decorated them with sugar coating (to steam of tablespoons of lemon juice + icing sugar)

Bon appetit!


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