Small baskets with mushrooms and shrimps
Small baskets with mushrooms and shrimps
Ingredients (on 12 pieces):
The mushrooms frozen - 300 g Ready puff pastry - 1 layer Onions - 1 piece Garlic teeth - 1 piece Cream of 20% - 3-4 tablespoons Grated cheese - 50 g Thyme - 1 branch Shrimps royal - 12 pieces Little melkorubleny greens Olive oil for roasting Salt, pepper - to taste
Fry onions and garlic glove on olive oil till golden color. Roll dough and cut out mug glass.
Add mushrooms to onions. Extinguish minutes 15-20, then add cream, on average fire extinguish even minutes 5 until excess liquid evaporates. Add salt, pepper, thyme. Spread out circles of dough on formochka, level folds. Warm oven to 180 g
Spread out mushrooms on formochka. Send small baskets to oven for 15-20 minutes. Weld shrimps, clear.
Grate cheese and strew with it small baskets. Leave for couple of minutes in oven that cheese has melted.
Get from oven, decorate with shrimps and small chopped greens. The dish is ready.
Bon Appetit! |
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