Aspic from fish

Aspic from fish


Fish – 1-1,2kg (chishcheny, viscerated – I used pike)
Carrots – 2sht
Parsley root - ? pieces.
Celery root – ? pieces.
Onion – 1 head
Peas of black and white pepper – on 10sht.
Gelatin – 5st.l. + 250ml waters
Water – 2,5l
Lemon juice (or table vinegar) – 1 tbsp.
For ornament:
Cream – 200ml (any fat content)
Gelatin – 1st.l. + ? glasses of water
Quail eggs – 6-7sht
Green or chives
Green peas, cranberry, olives, etc.
Parsley or cilantro


To cover fish with salt, to sprinkle lemon juice and to clean in the refrigerator on 30min. Then to cut flank steaks thickness the 4-5th.
To clear Korenye and onions.
To fill in gelatin for aspic with 1 glass of cold boiled water.
In pan to pour 2,5l waters, to add korenye, onions, peas of pepper and salt. To bring to the boil, to lower fire to minimum and to cook broth during 25-30min. Then to lower fish in broth and to prepare on average fire 20min.
Fish and carrots to take out and cool. To use carrots for decoration of aspic.
To filter broth through some layers of gauze.
To add the inflated gelatin to the received broth, to put on fire and at continuous stirring to bring to almost boiling, but not to boil. Completely to cool broth.

For ornament:
1) Gelatin for ornament to fill in ? glasses of cold boiled water.
2) To cut half of fish pieces plates thickness 0,5sm, to cut the rest small slices;
3) To boil quail eggs (after boiling of water to cook within 7 minutes), to fill in with cold water and after full cooling to clear, cut on halves;
4) To defreeze frozen cranberry and slightly to dry:
5) To cut one carrot lengthways on strips thickness 0,5sm, formochka for cookies or knife to cut out leaves, etc.;
6) At the second carrots to make longitudinal fillets and to cut across circles thickness 0,5sm (florets will turn out).

Options of registration of aspic:
1 option

At desire to cover the used form film. If not to do it, after hardening of aspic to lay out it on dish, bottom to lower form for some seconds in hot water.
In form to pour broth layer 1sm. To put in deep freeze on 10-15min (gelatin quickly to grab and then when laying on it of jewelry and fishes they will not sink).
To spread out plates of fish and ornament to the taste. Accurately to fill in with broth on 0,5sm (if to pour more, all laid can emerge) and again to put in deep freeze.
On sides of form to spread out jewelry and to fill in with broth completely.
To clean in the refrigerator before full hardening.
To turn aspic on dish and to decorate with greens.

2 option.

In form to lay plates of fish, ornament and to fill in with thin layer of broth. To clean in deep freeze on 10-15min that gelatin has grabbed. Then to fill in with broth completely and to put in the refrigerator before full hardening.

3 option

To add gelatin to cream, to bring to almost boiling, but not to boil. Completely to cool.
To fill in the fish cut small with 1 glass of broth, to lay out received in form and to clean in deep freeze that gelatin has grabbed.
Over fish layer to pour cream and again to allow gelatin to grab, having cleaned on cold.
To spread out on creamy layer of ornament and plate of fish, to fill in at first with thin layer of broth, and after hardening – completely to fill in with broth and to clean in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!


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