Pie Leningrad

Pie Leningrad


Dough (with stock on expansion).
330g torments
185g the softened oil
125g small sugar and powder
1 small egg
1 tsps without baking powder hill

125g oils
115g sugar
1 yolk
75g milk
1 tbsps of cognac
1 bag of vanilla sugar (to pound in powder)
7g cocoa

200g lipsticks: 200g usual lipstick (recipe here) 10g cocoa powder
10g nuts (fried)
handful of biscuit crumb
(for biscuit crumb to grate the prepared dried biscuit or in the combine, to roast 10 minutes at 200C till uniform brown color).


1. For shortcake dough put everything, except flour, in big bowl and shake up in homogeneous mass, all products of room temperature.
2. Vsypte flour also knead soft dough.
3. Divide it into 4 parts and roll everyone on paper for pastries so that you could cut out square 18kh18sm (I use cardboard template). Each part I put in the freezer minimum for 15 minutes.
4. In turn we send frost-damaged cake layers to oven - at 200C 10-12 minutes will be enough for them. Cool, without removing from paper.
5. Now it is necessary to zaglazirovat lipstick one cake layer (it will be upper). (The recipe here) kindle lipstick, add cocoa and mix. Pour out on the cooled cake layer and smear.
6. Make cream. For it it is necessary to prepare and cool syrup in advance. For syrup mix milk with yolk, filter, add sugar, on slow fire bring to the boil and uvarivayta some minutes before solidification (syrup is similar to condensed milk). Cool, stirring slowly from time to time.
Shake up oil to posvetleniye, add vanilla sugar and gradually add syrup, carefully shaking up.
7. At the end add cognac. Postpone 2 pages of l. cream in kornetik with beautiful nozzle, add cocoa to the remained cream and carefully shake up. Divide cream from cocoa into 4 parts.
8. Collect pie, smearing each layer 14 of chocolate cream.
9. From above put zaglazirovannny cake layer. Miss the mark sides with the remained cream and strew with crumb, decorate pie with white cream, nuts and cream puff, zaglazirovanny chocolate (I will open secret, exactly here used marshmallow for ornament).
10. The ready pie is good after several hours in the refrigerator.


Poppy and lemon pie with cottage cheese cream

Poppy and lemon pie with cottage cheese cream


3 eggs
90g sugar
90g torments
Poppy biscuit:
40g icing sugar
40g poppy
1 egg
1 yolk
2 proteins
10g oils
10g torments
1 egg
1 yolk
140g lemon juice
100g sugar
1 tsps with starch hill
200g cottage cheese
1\2 lemons
50g sugar
120g waters
2 proteins
120g icing sugar
1 bag of vanilla sugar or 1 kof.l. vanilla extract


1. Prepare biscuit. For this purpose separately shake up yolks and a half sugar to dense white foam.
2. Beat whites to strong foam, add sugar and shake up to density and gloss.
3. Mix egg whites and yolks.
4. Vsypte and carefully mix sifted flour spoon that foam has not settled.
5. Shift in the form oiled and strewed with flour.
6. Bake at 200C 25-30 minutes. Cool and leave at some o'clock.
7. For poppy biscuit poppy should be ground previously in the coffee grinder. Mix nimbus all ingredients (oil previously kindle), except two proteins.
8. Beat whites in strong foam and add to dough. Carefully mix.
9. Oil sides of form and strew with flour, on bottom put paper circle for pastries. Pour out dough in form and bake at 180C 20 minutes.
10. Cool biscuit in shape, then turn on sheet of paper for pastries.
11. For syrup bring to the boil sugar with water, fill in with the turned-out syrup lemon slices. Leave for some hours that syrup was drawn.
12. Prepare lemon cream. Remove dried peel from one lemon, squeeze out juice of all.
13. Mix eggs, sugar and lemon juice, add dried peel of one lemon and leave on table for hour, from time to time mixing that sugar was dissolved.
14. Filter mix in kastryulka through sieve, add starch and carefully mix. On small fire bring to the boil and cook minute that mix has well thickened.
Cover ready cream with film, cool and clean in the refrigerator.
15. Postpone two tablespoons with hill of lemon cream for pie plastering.
Wipe cold cottage cheese through sieve and when beating add the remained cold lemon cream on spoon.
16. Collect pie. Cut usual biscuit on two layers. Impregnate everyone with lemon syrup (half). Smear the lower layer with half of cottage cheese cream.
17. Put poppy biscuit, grease with the remained cream. Cover with the impregnated biscuit and cover ready pie with thin layer of lemon cream. Clean pie in the refrigerator.
18. For the Swiss meringue put in bowl of squirrel, vsypta icing sugar and shake up over kastryulky with poorly boiling water to very dense state.
19. Cover ready pie with meringue. At first layer of average thickness.
20. And then lay out the remained meringue on pie and distribute knife or fork beautiful waves. Cooling down, the Swiss meringue becomes friable and nonplastic. That she beautifully laid down on pie, shake up her usual nimbus from time to time, so she will be smooth and homogeneous.
21. Burn pie surface with culinary torch or put in the oven warmed up to the maximum temperature for 2-3 minutes.


Category: Recipes


Chocolate pie

Chocolate pie


4 eggs
120g sugar
100g torments
20g cocoa
100g chocolate
250g cream (for beating, 33-40%)
2 tbsps of orange liqueur
100ml orange juice
50g sugar
2st.l. orange liqueur
40g oils
40g chocolate
orange jam (1 tbsp with hill)
candied fruits and chocolate for ornament


1. So, at first biscuit. Shake up yolks and a half sugar. At first:
2. At the end of beating:
Beat whites to peaks, add the sugar which has remained and still shake up to density and gloss.
3. Mix egg whites and yolks, then add sifted flour with cocoa.
4. Mix carefully that mix has not settled.
5. Shift in the form oiled and strewed with flour and bake at 200C 25 minutes.
Leave for 6-8 hours or for night that the biscuit has settled.
6. For syrup squeeze out juice of one orange, add sugar and warm up to sugar remelting. Cool and add liqueur.
7. Prepare cream, for this purpose warm up cream and dissolve in them chocolate slices. Stir to uniformity, add liqueur and send to the refrigerator to cool down for couple of hours.
8. Cut biscuit on three cake layers.
9. Cooled ganash shake up the mixer to splendor, it will become much lighter. Postpone two spoons of ready cream for pie plastering.
10. Impregnate the lower cake layer with syrup (third), smear with half of cream.
11. Cover with other cake layer, impregnate it too and again smear with the remained cream.
Impregnate the last cake layer, cover with it pie, cover sides with the postponed cream. Clean in the refrigerator.
12. Prepare glaze: kindle together oil and chocolate.
Warm up orange jam and wipe through sieve, smear pie.
13. Pour out glaze on pie, smear accurately, gradually shifting glaze to edges that it flew down.
14. For ornament use chocolate shavings.


Category: Recipes


Nut cake with apples

Nut cake with apples


4 large eggs
120g sugar
70g torments
30g starch
25g ground fried nuts
30g the kindled desi
2 yolks
80g sugar
100g oils
50ml milk
half-vanilla bean
25g ground fried nuts
1 tbsps of Calvados
Apple filling:
2 large apples
25g refiner syrup
20g oils
pinch of ground cinnamon
pinch of cracked ginger
1 tsps with flour hill
100g icing sugar
1 tbsps of Calvados
1-2 tbsps of lemon juice
100g fried nuts
cinnamon stick
ground cinnamon
caramel sugar or raisin


1. At first biscuit. Shake up yolks and a half sugar. Beginning.
2. To such state.
3. Beat whites. When the nimbus leaves accurate trace, vsypta the remained sugar and shake up to density and gloss.
4. Mix egg whites and yolks.
5. Vsypte sifted flour with starch, nuts also mix. Spoon scoop dough from edge and lower in the middle of bowl. Disturb accurately, but carefully and vigorously.
6. Now pour in oil, accurately, with edge.
7. Mix and shift in form. If you worry that the biscuit will settle - do not grease wall.
8. Bake at 200C 30-35 minutes. Cool.
9. Cream. For syrup mix yolks with milk, add sugar (I used sugar, infused on vanilla pods, it is possible to add simply core of pod or vanilla extract) and put on small fire. At continuous stirring bring weight to the boil and boil 2-3 minutes, before solidification.
10. Shake up the softened oil to posvetleniye. Gradually, on spoon, add the COOLED-DOWN syrup. It quite dense also has to be the same temperature as oil.
11. When you add syrup, pour in Calvados and shake up. Add nuts, shake up still - cream is ready.
12. Stuffing. Fill flour on dry frying pan and roast, shaking, to cream light and nutty odor. Set aside.
13. Cut apples with small slices.
14. On frying pan kindle oil, add sugar, vsypta apples, spices and fry on average fire until apples prepare, and liquid will not thicken.
15. Now it is possible to pour roasted flour, well to mix - the stuffing is ready. Cool it.
16. Assemblage. Cut biscuit on three parts. On the lower cake layer lay out apples, cover.
17. Grease cake layer with half of cream, cover with the third cake layer and the remained cream grease sides.
18. For glaze mix all ingredients very carefully, slightly warm up and pour out on pie. Be careful, glaze should not get on cream.
19. Roast nuts for ornament and quite small chop. Sprinkle with them sides of pie and the upper edge.
20. For chips cut apple across as it is possible is thinner.
21. Prepare in the microwave oven at the maximum power of 3-4 minutes (or more, chips have to dry). Or in oven at low temperature.
22. Strew chips with cinnamon and decorate with them pie.


Category: Recipes


Pie Leningrad

Pie Leningrad


Dough (with stock on expansion).
330g torments
185g the softened oil
125g small sugar and powder
1 small egg
1 tsps without baking powder hill

125g oils
115g sugar
1 yolk
75g milk
1 tbsps of cognac
1 bag of vanilla sugar (to pound in powder)
7g cocoa

200g lipsticks: 200g usual lipstick (recipe here) 10g cocoa powder
10g nuts (fried)
handful of biscuit crumb
(for biscuit crumb to grate the prepared dried biscuit or in the combine, to roast 10 minutes at 200C till uniform brown color).


1. For shortcake dough put everything, except flour, in big bowl and shake up in homogeneous mass, all products of room temperature.
2. Vsypte flour also knead soft dough.
3. Divide it into 4 parts and roll everyone on paper for pastries so that you could cut out square 18kh18sm (I use cardboard template). Each part I put in the freezer minimum for 15 minutes.
4. In turn we send frost-damaged cake layers to oven - at 200C 10-12 minutes will be enough for them. Cool, without removing from paper.
5. Now it is necessary to zaglazirovat lipstick one cake layer (it will be upper). (The recipe here) kindle lipstick, add cocoa and mix. Pour out on the cooled cake layer and smear.
6. Make cream. For it it is necessary to prepare and cool syrup in advance. For syrup mix milk with yolk, filter, add sugar, on slow fire bring to the boil and uvarivayta some minutes before solidification (syrup is similar to condensed milk). Cool, stirring slowly from time to time.
Shake up oil to posvetleniye, add vanilla sugar and gradually add syrup, carefully shaking up.
7. At the end add cognac. Postpone 2 pages of l. cream in kornetik with beautiful nozzle, add cocoa to the remained cream and carefully shake up. Divide cream from cocoa into 4 parts.
8. Collect pie, smearing each layer 14 of chocolate cream.
9. From above put zaglazirovannny cake layer. Miss the mark sides with the remained cream and strew with crumb, decorate pie with white cream, nuts and cream puff, zaglazirovanny chocolate (I will open secret, exactly here used marshmallow for ornament).
10. The ready pie is good after several hours in the refrigerator.


Category: Recipes


Pie Fairy tale in accordance with GOST

Pie Fairy tale in accordance with GOST


- Flour - 120 g
- Sugar - 120 g
- Eggs - 4 pieces
(it will be better if to put in flour 1ch.l.razrykhlitelya and to sift three times)
Syrup for impregnation:
- Sugar - 100 g
- Water - 115 g
- Cognac - 1 tbsp.
Charlotte cream:
- Desi - 200 g
- Sugar - 170 g
- Milk - 125 ml
- Vanilla sugar - 15 g
- Yolks - 2 pieces
- Cognac - 1 tbsp.
- Spinach juice - 1 tsp (or green dye)
- Thick syrup from jam or liqueur of pink color - 1 tsp (or red dye)
- Cocoa powder - 1 tsp.
- Fried biscuit crumb (prepares from biscuit offcuts)
- Cocoa powder - 1 tsp.


To shake up yolks about 2/3 sugars before obtaining dense light weight.
To beat whites to peaks, to add sugar and to shake up up to one density further and gloss, about 1 minute.
Too strongly (as for meringue) it is not necessary to shake up since the biscuit can badly rise.
Carefully to mix egg whites and yolks in homogeneous mass
To pour sifted flour and to mix accurately.
To lay out ready dough in the rectangular shape of 10х20 cm oiled or laid by parchment and to bake 25 minutes at 200*C.
To cool ready biscuit in the form of minutes 5, then to lay out on lattice and to leave for 8-12 hours.
To put biscuit wider party on board, to cut off upper corners, giving the semicircular form
The turned-out offcuts to grate or crush in the blender. To pour out on baking tray and to roast 10 minutes at 200*C till brown color
To cool and mix with cocoa powder.
Syrup for impregnation
To fill in sugar with boiled water, to stir to full sugar remelting, to cool and pour in cognac.
At first it is necessary to weld syrup. To wipe yolks through sieve to remove from them film. To mix yolk with milk, to add sugar and on slow fire at continuous stirring to bring to the boil. To boil some minutes until syrup gets gummy body as at condensed milk.
To shake up the softened desi with vanilla sugar in fur light weight. In the small portions to add syrup, carefully shaking up.
To add cognac to ready cream, to halve cream.
To add cocoa powder to one part and carefully to mix.
To postpone 2 tbsps of white cream, to one part to add green dye, to another-red (or any other on your discretion)

To cut biscuit on 3 cake layers. To impregnate all cake layers with syrup. To miss the mark two lower cake layers with white cream. To cover all pie with chocolate cream. To sprinkle, except top, biscuit crumb with cocoa. From above to make grooves (fork). Multi-colored cream to transplant leaflets and flowers on the received relief surface.
To allow pie to become impregnated in the refrigerator.
Appetite pleasant to you!


Category: Recipes


Charodeyk's pie

Charodeyk's pie


margarine — 250 grams
eggs — 3 pieces
soda — 1 teaspoon
cocoa — 2 tablespoons
desi — 200 grams
flour — 500 grams
milk — 1 glass
sugar — 1 glass


It is best of all to prepare pie of Charodeyk for holiday. If you bake this pie, all attendees will surely estimate this culinary masterpiece. The following ingredients will be necessary for you for preparation of pie: margarine, eggs, soda, cocoa, butter, flour, milk. First of all take half-packs of margarine and kindle it on plate, and add flour. Then separately mix 3 eggs, glass of granulated sugar, soda half-teaspoon, and 2 tablespoons of cocoa. Mix and add this mix to margarine. Carefully mix everything to homogeneous mass. Lay out the prepared mix in form which has to be oiled vegetable, and put in the warmed oven. When the cake layer prepares in oven, prepare cream. For this purpose pour out glass of milk in pan and add 2 tablespoons of flour here. After that mix this mix with desi (about 200 g) and glass of granulated sugar. Shake up all mix. After the cake layer has baked and has cooled down, divide it into 3 layers, each of them needs to be missed the mark with cream. From above strew pie with grated chocolate or nuts, and also it is possible to prepare chocolate. For its preparation mix 2 tablespoons of sugar and cocoa, tablespoon of milk and desi. Bring this mix to the boil on plate, cool. The pie of Charodeyk is ready. The pie turns out very tasty. Bon appetit


Category: Recipes


Honey pie with cherries and cream of mascarpone

Honey pie with cherries and cream of mascarpone

Honey cake layers (6 pieces for form of 18 cm):
3,5 glasses of flour
1/3 glasses of cocoa
1/2 glasses of refiner syrup
75 g of desi
5 tablespoons of honey
1 tablespoon of soda
2 eggs
2-3 tablespoons of milk (if it is required)

450 g of mascarpone
1 glass of fat cream
1 vanilla bean
icing sugar

280 g of pitted cherries
4 tablespoons of sugar
50 ml of water

On small fire kindle honey, oil and sugar. Remove from fire and completely cool. Mix flour with soda and cocoa and then add to honey. Hammer eggs and if dough too friable and friable, add couple of spoons of milk. Knead elastic dough. Divide into 6 parts, roll everyone in thin round disk for form in 18 cm. Bake each cake layer in oven for 10 minutes at 180C.
While cake layers are concerned, lay out cherries in bowl, powder with sugar that juice-syrup was emitted. Then add water and put to be extinguished on small fire for 10-15 minutes. Completely cool syrup.
For cream shake up cold (!) cream in the blender to dense steady peaks. Mascarpone mix with seeds from vanilla bean and with icing sugar (quantity at your discretion) and shake up to homogeneous cream consistence. Then gradually enter cream and mix them the konditesky pallet that cream has not settled.
Apply cherry syrup on each cake layer, let's it be absorbed and then put cream layer. Thus lay out all layers, one on another. The ready pie needs to become impregnated and be cooled time, put its minimum for couple of hours, and it is one night better in the refrigerator. Cake layers will become impregnated and will become soft. Before giving let's pie stand minutes 10 at the room temperature.

Category: Recipes, Pies and cakes


Cottage cheese chocolate cakes

Cottage cheese chocolate cakes

cottage cheese - 500 g
egg - 4 pieces.
sugar - 150 g
vanilla - 5 g
chocolate biscuit cake layer - 1 piece.
cocoa - 2 tablespoons.
desi - 50 g
flour - 110 g

Recipe of preparation:

Shake up cottage cheese with yolks and vanilla to homogeneous mass (if cottage cheese dry - add a little sour cream).
Beat whites with sugar before obtaining dense weight, add cottage cheese and accurately mix.
Knead ready cake layer of biscuit fork before receiving crumb.
Add desi of room temperature, flour to proteinaceous curds. Carefully mix.
Lay form paper for pastries, lay out 1/2 parts of the kneaded chocolate biscuit.
Then lay out curds.
From above lay out the remained crumbs of chocolate biscuit.
Warm oven to 180 degrees, bake cakes about 40 minutes.

Cool and powder with cocoa powder.
Cut on small squares.
If to impregnate crumb with something will be even more gentle

Category: Recipes, Pies and cakes


Pie Rainbow

Pie Rainbow

eggs – 8 pieces.
sugar – 1 glass
flour with baking powder – 1,1/3 St.
desi – 100 gr.
cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons.
paint of food pink –1/4 h. l.
desi – 100 gr.
cream cheese – 500 gr.
icing sugar – 2 St.

Warm oven to 180 degrees. Shake up eggs with sugar to volumetric gain three times (within 8-10 minutes). Sift flour. Kindle oil. Carefully and slowly implicate flour and oil in frothed eggs. Divide dough into three parts. Add cocoa to one and accurately mix. In other part implicate pink dye.

Lay out dough in three forms with a diameter of 20 cm covered with parchment. Bake 12-15 minutes (cake layers will depart from edge of form). Cool on lattice.

Shake up the mixer the softened oil and cream cheese within 6-8 minutes. Add icing sugar and shake up 6-8 more minutes to lung, air state. Grease the first and second cake layers on 1/4 parts of cream. Grease the third cake layer and all pie with the remained cream.

Category: Recipes, Pies and cakes


Pie Kiev

Pie Kiev

Cake layer:
200g proteins
50g sugar
1 bag of vanilla sugar

45g torments
150g nuts
185g sugar

200g sugar
1 egg
150ml milk
250g oils
10g cocoa
1 bag of vanilla sugar
1 Art. of l of cognac

Ferment 200g proteins, having left them for 12-24 hours in warm place.
Next day:
Mix 45g torments, 150g the roasted and chopped nuts (cashew or filbert) and 185g sugar.

Beat whites in magnificent foam as usual, add 50g sugar and 1 bag of vanilla sugar, shake up once again properly.

Add mix of nuts to the whites, accurately mix.

Spread out mix in two forms covered by paper. Important! I used two forms - 23 and 20 cm. You should cut then bigger cake layer, and the turned-out crumb will go for sprinkling of pie. It is possible to use also cm forms 23 and 25, the pie will be slightly lower. Average height of cake layer 2sm.

Bake at 150C 2 hours. I DO NOT KNOW that will be with weight if to leave it for two hours, but I think that it will lose the svoyst. Therefore bake at the same time two cake layers - for example, at two levels in oven. If you have no such opportunity - beat whites separately for each cake layer that weight did not stand.
Leave ready cake layers for 12-24 hours for tight setting. And only then separate paper. Ready cake layers beige.

Sharlrtt's cream. I prepare slightly more cream, than it is necessary in accordance with GOST.
Get oil from the refrigerator (250g).
Prepare syrup. Mix 150 ml of milk with 1 egg in pan. Important! It is necessary to mix carefully, and before sugar addition, differently the yolk can be curtailed from sugar.

To Vsypta sugar, deliver on fire and bring to the boil. Cook 4-5 minutes, on syrup bubbles will start appearing and it will become viscous. Important! at such concentration of sugar of NOT egg are TURNED when heating so cook quietly. Ready syrup is similar to taste and konchistention to condensed milk.

Pour syrup in bowl, cool, having covered with film.

Shake up oil in light weight with bag of vanilla sugar. Add syrup on tablespoon, shaking up every time.

Separate 200 g of cream, mix with two teaspoons with cocoa powder hill.

Shake up the mixer.

Add tablespoon of cognac to white cream and shake up.
(Bigger) put one cake layer on leaf of wax paper. Miss the mark with two thirds of the remained white cream and cover with other cake layer. Cut the lower cake layer that the pie was equal.

Collect crumb and crush.
Miss the mark sides of pie with chocolate cream.

Miss the mark with the remained cream pie top.

Spread out the remained chocolate and white cream on two kornetika and decorate pie at will. Sprinkle sides with crumb.

Fruit in syrup or candied fruits also enters compounding.
Here such pie. Of course, after ornament the pie should be cooled not less couple of hours.

Category: Recipes, Pies and cakes


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