Beaters Philadelphia

Beaters Philadelphia


Rice for sushi
Rice vinegar (or we prepare gas station)
Chain pump
Salmon crude or mildly smoked.
Philadelphia cheese
In addition: marinated ginger, wasabi, soy-bean sauce,
to makis for rolling beaters and sharp knife.


1. We prepare correctly rice. I already wrote the recipe to you, but for convenience I will repeat. One and a half glasses of the washed-out rice we fill in two Art. of cold water.

2. We bring to the boil and we cook about 7 min. We pour in the gas station prepared from tablespoon of vinegar, tablespoon of water and des in rice. spoons of sugar and salt (or we take ready rice vinegar). We cover rice and we cook even minutes 5-7 on slow fire, water has to will be evaporated and to be absorbed. We clean rice from fire and we leave for about 15 minutes, without uncovering pan. We allow rice to cool down.

3. As usual obvorachivay food wrap, we spread on it thin dense bed rice, from above we spread the chain pumps which are slightly sprinkled by water. On the center of preparation we put Philadelphia, the eel and cucumber cut by straws. Beaters densely skatyvay.

4. From above the turned-out sausage we spread salmon and once again we roll beater. We knife on slices the sharp.
We give to table together with ginger, wasabi and soy-bean sauce.



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