Peach cake

Peach cake


For dough:
3 eggs
200 g of sugar
1 items of vanilla sugar
200 ml of sunflower oil
500 g of flour
Dried peel of one lemon
1 bag of baking powder
Cream (but it is possible to use also any jam or jam):
150 g of desi
5 tablespoons of icing sugar
1 items of vanilla sugar
1 - 2 tablespoons of rum
For ornament:
Food color.


In small cup to pour 2 tablespoons of milk and to pour baking powder. To mix.
To shake up eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar in foam. Continuing to shake up, pour in thin stream in oil, it is good to vent. To pour flour, polished dried peel of lemon and the baking powder divorced in milk. To knead dough. Dough turns out very gentle, soft.
From dough to roll the roller, to cut on small slices from which to roll balls approximately about walnut size. To lay out balls of test for the leaf laid by paper for pastries and to bake in warmed to 180 °dukhovka of 15-20 minutes.
To ready preparations to allow to cool down a little and for the present a little warm accurately tea spoon to pull out core, but it is not a lot of so then it would be possible to fill. It is necessary to do it carefully since shortcake dough and quickly crumbles, absolutely cooled down crumbles more strongly.

Jam or jam will be excellent option, but also it is possible to make also cream. For this purpose that we have pulled out from halves of peaches, should be crushed in crumb (hands), to sprinkle a few rum, but it is possible and not to do it.
But only do not add strongly much, differently will strongly kill taste of rum. Sugar, vanilla sugar and cocoa to mix, add soft (even slightly kindled) oil and to shake up everything the mixer. Continuing to disturb the mixer at small speed, to add our crumb on spoon. To knead everything and to fill halves. Then to connect on two halves together - the peach turns out.
For ornament we need sugar and food paint (red and yellow). It is possible to take juice of cherry or beet and juice of carrots. Now in drinking bowls or in small cups, filling in each about 2 tablespoons of boiled water, we dissolve paint: in one red, and in another orange (having mixed red and yellow paints, we receive orange). It is possible to paint both parties in red color. In other cup we fill sugar.
Let's start prettification: we paint one cheek of peach with brush in red color and at once we dip in sugar, we paint another in orange color and too we dip in sugar. We stack on leaf or on big dish in one layer that have dried.
Ready peaches can be decorated: to take tree leaflets not large, to wash them, to dry towel and to thrust between peach halves.








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