Land mine

Land mine


1 portion of wheat yeast dough
flour for topping


Strew land surface with flour and roll dough in rectangle 3 cm thick.
Now you will need to cut this rectangle on 6 equal rectangles approximately equal
Take one of rectangles and knife or scraper make from one corner to opposite diagonal section. And now on both sides from section on two sections fan.
Surely leave stock at edges that the land mine has not become torn. Fingers open properly openings.
In advance warm oven together with baking sheet to 240 degrees. Before landing of land mines in the furnace, properly sprinkle oven water that steam would be formed. Shift preparation of land mine to plate and dump on hot baking tray. Bake about 10-15 minutes.
Let's cool down completely on lattice.
As this simplest grain dough, I recommend to decorate its taste a little. For this purpose during batch of dough it is possible to add: cheese, greens, dry herbs, olives, the dried tomatoes, green onions, baked garlic, bacon …
Cool ready land mines on lattice.
Bon appetit!


Egg bread challah

Egg bread challah

Kolichetsvo portions - 6


Wheat flour - 500 g
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Salt - to taste
Yeast powder - 7 g
Desi - 75 g
Water - 225 ml
Egg - 4 pieces.
Poppy - 1 tablespoon


1. Kindle desi and pour in the flour mixed with yeast and salt. Add water and carefully mix. Add 3 eggs and egg white. Knead dough.
2. Place dough in the capacity oiled and leave for 1 hour.
3. Divide dough into 6 equal parts and roll everyone in sausage.
4. Weave two braids from dough. Cover with film and leave for 1 hour.
5. Warm oven to 200 degrees. Lay out braids on the baking tray oiled.
6. Grease challah with yolk and strew with poppy. Bake 35 – 40 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Category: Recipes


Classical croissants

Classical croissants


Flour of 500 g;
Yeast of 20 g;
Salt of 10 g;
Sugar of 50 g;
Egg of 3 pieces;
Milk of 200 ml;
Water of 125 ml;
Desi of 200 g;


1. Preparation time - 4 hours
Cooling time - 12 hours
Quantity - 12 pieces
2. Dissolve yeast in milk. All other ingredients for dough, except oil, place in big bowl. Pour in milk and barmy mix and knead abrupt, but quite elastic dough. Knead dough of 3-4 minutes.
3. Create small square from dough, put on the tray powdered with flour, cover it with package for garbage and inwrap edges, so that air did not arrive any more. Put tray in the refrigerator at least for 2 hours, and it is even one night better (for 12 hours).
4. Grate desi on large grater and also put in the refrigerator.
5. Take out dough and oil from the refrigerator. On the powdered flour of surface roll from dough square more, about 40х40 cm. Lay out in the center, also distributing square, oil. Inwrap edges with an overlap and carefully zashchipnit. Try to do it quickly, trying to concern as little as possible some dough not to heat it.
6. Roll the received square in strictly longitudinal direction. After each rolling slightly raise dough that did not stick to surface. The rectangle has to be about 3 times longer, than more widely.
7. Put dough three times, as the business letter. Make in the center finger small deepening. (Not to forget that this first folding).
8. Put dough on the tray powdered with flour, cover it with package. Put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
9. Then repeat expansion and dough lifting once again, doing already 3 deepenings. And then roll the last, fourth time, but already in rectangle of 30х75 cm in size and about 4 mm thick. (It is not obligatory to adhere to the sizes with an accuracy of mm, the main thing that proportions have remained).
10. Cut dough lengthways in half. Now each strip needs to be cut on 6-7 isosceles rectangles with the basis about 9 cm.
11. In the basis of each triangle make small cut. (It will help to curtail correctly croissant). Shake up eggs with milk. Grease surface of each croissant with egg, leaving free edge.
12. Start wrapping each triangle from the basis, accurately stretching it in the parties of cut. When turning do not squeeze dough too strongly.
13. Lay out croissants on baking tray, grease surface with egg and put in warm place without drafts on rasstoyka for 2 hours.
14. Warm oven to 220C in 30 minutes until the end of rasstoyka. Grease croissants with egg once again and put in the warmed oven.
15. Bake 18-20 minutes till golden color. Cool on lattices.
16. Bon appetit.

Category: Recipes


Hungarian twisted kalatch

Hungarian twisted kalatch


For dough:
200 ml of warm milk
2 eggs, slightly to shake up fork
70 g of desi to kindle
3 tbsps of sugar
1/4 tsps of salt
2 tsps of yeast powder
400 g of flour, approximately

rolling pin
the kindled desi
any powder to taste and desire (ground nuts, chocolate shaving, cinnamon, coconut shaving....)
sugar syrup (voda+sakhar in equal parts, to zakipyatit)
honey at will


Connect all ingredients and knead soft dough. Place dough in deep bowl, cover with towel and put in warm place for approach (1-1,5 hours). When dough approaches, divide it into 6 equal parts. Warm oven to 200 degrees. Wrap rolling pin parchment paper, and handles that did not burn with foil. Take part of dough, make long sausage and reel up on rolling pin, and then press it fingers a little. Oil kindled and sugar. Take form of such size that the rolling pin with dough was on weight. Put to bake in oven till golden color, during baking twist time rolling pin two that the kalatch was baked from all directions evenly.

1. If you wish that your kalatch was with taste of honey - take out it from oven on the middle of baking, grease with honey and bake up to one readiness further.
2. If you wish kalatch with topping - take the baked kalatch, grease with sugar syrup and strew.

Bon appetit!

Category: Recipes


The Italian grissinis with olives, basil and cheese

The Italian grissinis with olives, basil and cheese


Olives black 10 pieces;
Basil (dried) 2 tsps;
Cheese of firm 50 g;
Flour for posypaniye of surfaces;


1. Preparation time - 60 minutes
2. Prepare the main dough for pizza.Cut olives very small and mix with basil. Warm oven to 220C.
3. Divide dough into 2 parts. Take one part and it is thin roll. Distribute ? grated cheese on all surface of dough and slightly press hands.
4. Fold dough double cheese inside. Strew with other cheese and once again inwrap. And now start kneading! Knead dough sphere until cheese is distributed evenly.
5. It is thin as on pizza, roll cheese dough once again and cut strips about 1 cm wide.
6. Strew baking tray with small amount of flour and start spreading dough strips, twisting everyone on spiral. And so do with other strips. The interval between strips of dough has to be about 1 cm.

Take the second sphere of dough and do the same, only spreading on dough mix of olives with basil. Lay out the twisted strips of test for baking tray.
7. Insert baking tray with grissini into well warmed oven. 1 baking tray for time, starting with what the first has been filled. Bake 8-10 minutes. Sticks have to grow up and be reddened. Take out and insert the following baking tray.
8. Let's grissini cool down a little and use for designated purpose!
Note: before putting grissini in sealed container on storage, let's them cool down completely!

Bon appetit.


Category: Recipes


Classical croissants

Classical croissants


Flour of 500 g;
Yeast of 20 g;
Salt of 10 g;
Sugar of 50 g;
Egg of 3 pieces;
Milk of 200 ml;
Water of 125 ml;
Desi of 200 g;


1. Preparation time - 4 hours
Cooling time - 12 hours
Quantity - 12 pieces
2. Dissolve yeast in milk. All other ingredients for dough, except oil, place in big bowl. Pour in milk and barmy mix and knead abrupt, but quite elastic dough. Knead dough of 3-4 minutes.
3. Create small square from dough, put on the tray powdered with flour, cover it with package for garbage and inwrap edges, so that air did not arrive any more. Put tray in the refrigerator at least for 2 hours, and it is even one night better (for 12 hours).
4. Grate desi on large grater and also put in the refrigerator.
5. Take out dough and oil from the refrigerator. On the powdered flour of surface roll from dough square more, about 40х40 cm. Lay out in the center, also distributing square, oil. Inwrap edges with an overlap and carefully zashchipnit. Try to do it quickly, trying to concern as little as possible some dough not to heat it.
6. Roll the received square in strictly longitudinal direction. After each rolling slightly raise dough that did not stick to surface. The rectangle has to be about 3 times longer, than more widely.
7. Put dough three times, as the business letter. Make in the center finger small deepening. (Not to forget that this first folding).
8. Put dough on the tray powdered with flour, cover it with package. Put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
9. Then repeat expansion and dough lifting once again, doing already 3 deepenings. And then roll the last, fourth time, but already in rectangle of 30х75 cm in size and about 4 mm thick. (It is not obligatory to adhere to the sizes with an accuracy of mm, the main thing that proportions have remained).
10. Cut dough lengthways in half. Now each strip needs to be cut on 6-7 isosceles rectangles with the basis about 9 cm.
11. In the basis of each triangle make small cut. (It will help to curtail correctly croissant). Shake up eggs with milk. Grease surface of each croissant with egg, leaving free edge.
12. Start wrapping each triangle from the basis, accurately stretching it in the parties of cut. When turning do not squeeze dough too strongly.
13. Lay out croissants on baking tray, grease surface with egg and put in warm place without drafts on rasstoyka for 2 hours.
14. Warm oven to 220C in 30 minutes until the end of rasstoyka. Grease croissants with egg once again and put in the warmed oven.
15. Bake 18-20 minutes till golden color. Cool on lattices.
16. Bon appetit.


Category: Recipes


Fast dough for croissants

Fast dough for croissants

250 g of rough flour for bread
150 g of cold unsalted butter to cut cubes
120 ml of warm milk
50 g of sugar
7 g of yeast powder
1/2 teaspoons of salt
1 yolk to shake up with 1 tablespoon of milk

Heat milk to body temperature. Add sugar and yeast. Mix nimbus and leave for a while while yeast does not become more active, and milk completely will not cool down. If it is too warm, oil will be kindled and everything will go not so. Pour out salt with flour in bowl for the combine with metal edge. Throw oil there and few times shake up before formation of friable crumb.
Shift oil and flour mix in big bowl, add ready milk. Accurately mix spoon. Knead dough. Oil should not break completely, it has to remain of the size of small peas. Shift dough to the surface powdered with flour, knead and stick together square. Wrap it in food wrap and put in the freezer for 30 minutes or in the refrigerator for couple of hours.
Slightly powder with flour land surface and rolling pin. Roll dough in rectangle, proceeding from the sizes of 3 lengths / 1 width (the picture 1). Initially dough can crumble a little, but in the course of raskatyvaniye it will stick together.
Put dough on the parties (the picture 2).
Turn dough on 90 degrees. Slightly roll in length. Again put it on the parties (the picture 3).
Turn dough that joints were below. Again roll, putting it on the parties. Dough will become more elastic. If at some point oil in the test becomes too soft, wrap dough food wrap and put in the freezer to harden before continuing work with it.
Make small rectangle of dough. Wrap twice film and put in the refrigerator for couple of hours, and it is one night better.
Then roll in rectangle, proceeding from the sizes of 3 lengths / 1 width. The minimum height of dough is 4 mm. Cut off uneven edges of rectangle (the picture 4).
Dough cut on triangles 30 cm / 30 cm / 8 see. Twist croissants (the picture 5-6).
Shift them to baking tray, wrap it food wrap and leave for 2-3 hours to rise at the room temperature (surely!). Heat oven to 230 C. Grease the risen croissants with egg with milk and send to be baked on the 10th minute. Then reduce temperature to 190C and bake 15-20 more minutes till golden-brown color. Before giving cool on lattice.

Category: Recipes


Bun sugar

Bun sugar

In the childhood I adored these buns. You will take such to tea, and you sit, you untwist, strip behind strip. Thought – as they so cunning wrap dough? It has appeared – anything difficult.


On 10:
800 grams of your favourite yeast dough
10 tablespoons of granulated sugar
50 grams of vegetable oil


I for such buns do very simple dough. I told about it here and here.
You can use any yeast dough according to your recipe.
Divide dough into 10 equal parts, at first roll each part in ball and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then roll with rolling pin, on slightly oiled table, thin round flat cakes. On each flat cake pour vegetable oil – tablespoon.

Then hand evenly smear oil on flat cake. Believe my experience – better to do it by hand than brush.

Then on each oiled flat cake fill on table full spoon of granulated sugar.

And in the same way – hand - distribute sugar on all surface of dough.

In advance prepare the oiled baking tray.
Curtail each flat cake tubule, sugar inside.

Tubules put in half, zashchepiv finger paired edges.

Then make one section exactly in the middle of the dough tubule folded double. From the party, opposite to tuck.

Develop section in different directions – and at you the beautiful multilayer roll will turn out.

Lay out rolls on baking tray and put for 25-35 minutes in warm place.

After dough once again rises on rasstoyka – put rolls in the oven which is previously heated to 200 degrees. Bake 10-15 minutes.
On photo it is visible as rolls on rasstoyka have risen.

Consider that in bun oven still will increase in the amount of – therefore, spreading them on baking tray, leave between them empty seat.
On photo - final rise in oven.

Remove ready buns from baking sheet at once – as sugar from them always flows and melts, and the rolls which in time are not removed can stick.

Category: Recipes


Traditional Italian stick-typed baked products with beer and black pepper

Traditional Italian stick-typed baked products with beer and black pepper

65 g of wholegrain flour
180 ml of strong beer
1 teaspoon of honey
1 tablespoon of active yeast
165 g of usual flour
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 teaspoons of salt
2 teaspoons of ground black pepper

In big bowl mix wholegrain flour, yeast, beer and honey. Mix wooden spoon and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then add usual flour, 3 tablespoons of oil and teaspoon of salt. Shift dough to the land surface powdered with flour, and knead it within 5 minutes to elastic homogeneous mass.
Now shift dough in the small pan oiled by the olive. Close bowl towel or wrap food wrap and put in warm place for hour so far it will not increase twice in the amount of.
Heat oven to 220C, lay 2-3 baking sheets paper for pastries. Shift dough to land surface, add salt and pepper, properly mash dough. Now roll rectangle.
Sharp knife 1,25 cm of strip, twist them in sticks and shift to baking tray. Leave baking tray for a while that sticks have increased in the amount of. Then send to oven to be baked 10-15 minutes, on the middle of cooking turn baking tray. Completely cool.


Category: Recipes


Stick-typed baked products with cheese

Stick-typed baked products with cheese


1/2 portions of wheat yeast dough
flour for topping
hard cheese


Strew land surface with flour and roll dough in rectangle 2 cm thick.
Grate cheese on small grater and strew dough, fingers slightly press it, very gently.
Visually divide rectangle into two parts, put bottom edge to the center of rectangle, properly press down edge, also put the upper edge to the center and too press down.
At you the narrow envelope has turned out to such itself, cut it on the identical width of strip and overwind each of them in string.
Lay sticks on the baking tray covered with paper cover with towel and give rasstoyatsya in warm place of 30 minutes.
In advance warm oven to 240 degrees. Before landing of sticks in the furnace, properly sprinkle oven water that steam would be formed, put sticks and bake about 10-15 minutes.
Let's cool down completely on lattice.
Bon appetit!

Category: Recipes, Unsweetened pastries


Cinnamon buns

Cinnamon buns

Buttermilk or amasi of 0,8 St.
Yeast dry active 7 g
The unsalted butter kindled 8 tablespoons.
Eggs of 3 pieces.
Flour of 4,2 St.
Sugar of 1,8 St.
Salt of 1,2 h. l.
Sugar of brown 0,7 St.
Cinnamon of 2 h. l.
Ground cloves of 0,2 h. l.
Salt of 1 spills.
Cream cheese of 3 tablespoons.
Buttermilk of 3 tablespoons.
Vanilla extract of 0,5 h. l.

Bring buttermilk to the boil. Add pinch of sugar and yeast. Leave buttermilk for 5 minutes.
Mix the mixer the kindled oil and eggs.
In separate ware mix 4 glasses of flour, sugar and salt. Now shake up weight the mixer at slow speed, gradually adding to flour buttermilk with yeast, and then frothed eggs with oil. Stir dough about 2 minutes before receiving homogeneous mass.
Increase the speed of the mixer and shake up dough of 10 more minutes until it becomes elastic. If it is necessary, add still torments.
Shift dough to land surface and knead it hands. Create dough in ball. Oil bowl and shift in it dough. Cover bowl and put in warm place that dough has grown up.
Now prepare stuffing. Mix sugar, cinnamon, carnation and salt.
Shift dough to land surface, having strewed it with flour. Roll dough in rectangle with the size 40kh30sm.
Recede from edges of the test 2sm, grease other dough with the kindled desi. Strew dough with mix from cinnamon and sugar, a little bit press stuffing that it was not showered.
Roll dough in roll. Cut roll on 12 equal slices. Spread out small rolls on baking sheet, previously having put on it the sheet of parchment. Can spread out rolls on baking cups. Let's dough grow up (1 - 1,5 hour).
Warm oven up to the temperature of 175C. Bake rolls of 25-30 minutes on baking sheet or 15-20 minutes in baking cups. Let's rolls cool down a little (5 minutes).
Meanwhile prepare glaze. Mix sugar, cream cheese, buttermilk or milk, vanilla extract.
Cover rolls with glaze. Give rolls warm.

Category: Recipes, Pastries


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