for dough:
Fresh yeast — 20 g Flour — 350 g Sugar — 3 h. l. Desi — 40 g Eggs — 2 pieces. Milk — 200 ml Salt — 1 h. l.
for stuffing:
Honey agarics boiled — 300 g Mashed potatoes — 300 g Bulb — 2 pieces. Half of bunch of fennel
1. We take yeast, slightly we warm up milk, we add 100 g of sifted flour, sugar, we mix and, having covered with pure towel, we leave it in heat approximately for hour. 2. Meanwhile it is possible to be engaged in stuffing. At once I will tell that the ratio of this quantity of the test and stuffing was such is that at me remained test approximately for 2 knysh. 3. Honey agarics have been boiled and cooled. Potatoes are welded, turned into mashed potatoes and too are cooled. 4. We clean onions, small we cut. We fry till golden color. Too we cut fennel. 5. Respectively, all components of stuffing it is connected and we add salt, pepper – we correct on taste. Here not superfluous will be to remind that the stuffing has to be well salted, even it is slightly more, than usually, for the reason, that round stuffing there will be dough rather leavened so it is better to make taste of stuffing of brighter. 6. And now it is possible to be engaged in dough again. We sift the flour rest. We add eggs. 7. And desi should be kindled, slightly to cool and too to implicate in dough. 8. Vymeshav, we leave dough to rise by couple of hours. 9. Let's strew lightly table with flour, we will knead once again dough and we start doing knysh! We have rolled circle and now we do on it cuts. We spread stuffing in the center – at me two teaspoons with top have left somewhere, and then I have grown bolder and on tablespoon already put. Now we bend one lepestochek round stuffing. Then the opposite. And now remained two lepestochka. Among themselves lepestochka are pinched or twisted. 10. That's all. We expose everything on baking paper, we include to get warm oven, meanwhile knysh rise, extend so it is better to mean it. 11. Fork has shaken up egg and has covered knysh, I after all want that they were ruddy from all directions 12. And now them in oven for about 20-25 minutes at 200 degrees (because in my oven at 220 they will simply burn down) And very quickly to prepare the second party.
