Profiteroles with cream bourbon

Profiteroles with cream bourbon

protein of 1 piece.
bourbon of 1 tablespoon.
glass water 3/4
yolk of 1 piece.
fat cream 1 glass
cocoa powder of 2 tablespoons.
glass milk 1/4
flour 1 glass
sugar of 3 tablespoons.
icing sugar for topping
desi of 6 tablespoons.
eggs of 3 pieces.

Crackling outside, cream and thawing inside, powdered with sweet powder is magic dessert which likely will be popular always! Of course, babies profiteroles. This time we will give special highlight to them by means of chocolate cream on the basis of cream with addition of bourbon. At first - of course dough. Mix water with milk and put in pan with thick bottom on average fire.
Add desi and a little salt. Bring mix to the boil. Meanwhile shake up in the mixer or sift through sieve flour within about 30 seconds to oxygenate and destroy any lumps. Separately mix 3 eggs and 1 protein. In other pan shake up yolk with small amount of water. As soon as water has started boiling, remove it from fire and add flour.
Mix and return on fire that constantly mixing to boil 3 more minutes. Then lay out mix in the combine. Include for 15 seconds.
Then add egg mix from 3 eggs and protein and to vent within 45 seconds.
By means of confectionery sack create profiteroles. Spread them at once on parchment paper on baking sheet. Grease each padded stool with the yolk which is shaken up with water. Bake 10 minutes at temparetura of 220 degrees. Then to reduce to 190 degrees and to bake 15-20 more minutes.
To switch off oven, cut profiteroles in the middle that inside the cavity was formed. Leave in the switched-off oven for hour to posushivatsya.
For now prepare cream. Mix cream, cocoa and sugar. To cover and put in the refrigerator minimum for hour that cocoa was finally dissolved in cream.
Then touch and shake up or by means of the mixer to peaks. Pour in bourbon.
Now we cut off hat at profiteroles and we fill with cream. We strew from above with icing sugar.


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