Fur coat in fur coat

Fur coat in fur coat


– 1 baguette (baguette)

– 2 fillets from one salty herring; if you have the whole herring, it is necessary to cut it on 2 fillets, having removed skin and bones
– 2 processed cheeses
– 2 eggs
– 50 g of desi
– 1 large beet
– greens (fennel)
– 10 gherkins
– salt, pepper to taste (I did not add)


We prepare stuffing. To rub processed cheeses and eggs on small grater. To add to them the desi softened at the room temperature (but NOT mayonnaise!) it is good to stir. If herring not really salty to add salt, to pepper. To postpone the third part of mix, having added to it small chopped greens. To the mix rest (it is two thirds) to add the boiled beet (and is even better - baked in oven or the microwave oven) grated on small grater and it is good to stir everything. Assemblage fur coats in fur coat. To cut baguette lengthways from one side so that it was well slightly opened (as trunk). Spoon and hand to clean crumb, having left baguette about 1 cm thick walls. To cover baguette inside with beet mix, evenly distributing layer on walls. Over beet layer in baguette evenly we place layer with greens. It is possible to add chopped green onions. Then near the uncut party it is spread to the line gherkins, nearby we put fillet of herring, as shown in photo. Slightly we grease surface of walls in the area of long loaf section with desi, we close long loaf, having accurately combined edges, densely we inwrap food wrap in some turns. If it is made accurately, the section sticks together so that not to find it. We place for 3 hours per the refrigerator. Before giving on table we skim, we slice about 1 cm thick (it is not recommended to cut more thickly) and we spread slices on dish. PREVENTION! At additive in stuffing of mayonnaise thinnish porridge will turn out.






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