Mulled wine with ginger and raisin.

Mulled wine with ginger and raisin.


Dry red wine - 1,5l (2 bottles)
Oranges - 3 pieces
Carnation - 15sht.
Lemon - 1sht.
Sugar - 5-6st.l (120-150g)
Cinnamon - 2 sticks (on the 4-5th)
Ginger - slice of 5 cm
Raisin - 50g


To leave one orange whole, and to cut two on 4 parts (I wanted to chop)). To cut lemon on 4 parts. Slice of ginger to clear and cut in half. In peel of the whole orange to thrust gvozdichka, evenly distributing them on all surface of orange. In pan to lay the whole orange with carnation, slices of oranges, lemon, ginger, raisin, cinnamon (there were no sticks therefore was ground). To pour in wine.
To put pan on small fire. To pour sugar. It is good to mix. To heat, stirring slowly, up to the temperature of 70-80 degrees (i.e. not to allow to begin to boil). It is impossible to boil wine! As soon as there is steam and from surface the light skin will disappear, to remove mulled wine from fire.
Cover and leave mulled wine for 20-30 minutes. Then pour mulled wine in circles or glasses with the handle from heat-resistant glass. I did not try more tasty. He has put on feet even those who was ill


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